What's your carbon footprint? → Carbon footprint is a very important means to understand the impact of a person's behavior on Global Warming. That's why someone who effectively wants to contribute to stop global warming, even on an individual scale, needs to measure and keep track of their personal carbon footprint.
Use our Carbon Footprint Calculator and offset your emissions today!!
There is no need to contemplate for hours what exactly is your carbon emission. Just click on the Calculate Now! button on our Homepage to navigate to our custom, suitable-for-all and easy-to-use Carbon Footprint Calculator.
Our calculator needs some parameters to calculate your carbon emissions. It uses a widely accepted complex formula to calculate the Carbon Emissions in C02 emitted in tonnes per year.
After putting in the values the resultant footprint is calculated and further measures can be taken to reduce your footprint if it crosses the threshold.
Carbon Dioxide Emissions continue to rise, when instead they should be rapidly falling. For effective reduction of emissions we should be aware which sectors contribute the most & how we can use this analysis to develop effective solutions and mitigation strategies.
Electricity is the
largest carbon emitting sector (30%).
Transportation is the
second highest sector for emission followed by Industries, Commercial
& Residential and Agriculture.
This breakdown depicts that a range of sectors and processes
contribute to global emissions & no single or simple solution is
viable to tackle climate change. For instance, focusing on electricity
or transport or deforestation alone is insufficient. To reach net-zero
emissions we need innovations across sectors.
We conducted our own survey and analysed all gathered data. Our findings, in a summarised manner were as follows:
The national capital - Delhi has the highest annual carbon footprint in the country. In fact, Delhi's annual CO2 emission of 69.4 million tonnes is equal to the CO2 emission of Bangalore, Hyderabad and Chennai put together. When it comes to per capita CO2 emission, Chandigarh and Vadodara are far ahead of the rest with 3.9 tonnes and 3.5 tonnes respectively. The carbon footprint for a Mumbaiite was concentrated in the range of 0.51 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year. Our analysis found that higher income groups have a higher carbon consumption lifestyle as compared to those from lower income groups. CO2 emissions are dominated by the burning of fossil fuels for energy production and industrial production of materials such as cement. Since India has the second highest population in the world i.e 17.5% of the worlds total population, this increases the consumption of food, energy, goods and services thereby resulting in the further increase of CO2 emission.
Through this website and the information it provides, we wanted to help you understand, calculate and shrink your carbon footprints. Whether your aim is to reduce your footprints by one tonne, or to shrink it to one tonne, this website should be full of useful information.
The next few years will be decisive in our fight against climate change and our success will certainly depend on our ability to reduce our carbon footprint.
Going zero waste is a great step towards combating climate change.
Practicing the 5 R's of zero waste can help.
Avoid single use plastics and paper products by saying no thank you,
opting for reusables.
REDUCE: Downsize what you purchase, opting to be more mindful of what
you really need.
REUSE: Always find a way to keep an item out of the landfill by keeping
it in great condition, repairing or upcycling it when it breaks.
ROT: Set
up a compost system for your food scraps, or find a food scrap drop off
center (like a farmers market, or community garden) near your house.
RECYCLE: Properly recycle any plastic, paper, glass or metal that comes
into your life you cannot refuse, reduce, or reuse by researching your
state's recycling laws.
responsible consumption, based on local products and sustainable
production, and start growing produce in your own urban garden.
about using sustainable means of transport, such as public transport,
bicycle or on foot, and buy vehicles that are environmentally friendly.
Choose a 100 % renewable energy consumption, buy energy-saving
appliances, and control heating and air conditioning to save energy.
aware and tell others about the importance of reducing the carbon
waste, Reuse your packaging, Recycle it and if this is not possible,
dispose of it in the appropriate container.